In Loving Memory: A Tribute to Luke Davies and Jesse Baird

Luke Davies (left) and Jesse Baird.

In the wake of tragedy, we find ourselves grasping for words, seeking solace in memories, and reaching out for justice. The heartbreaking loss of Luke Davies and Jesse Baird has sent shockwaves through the LGBTI+ community, leaving us grieving and searching for answers.

Luke and Jesse were vibrant souls, loved deeply by those fortunate enough to know them. Luke, a beloved Qantas flight attendant, and Jesse, a former TV presenter, filled every room they entered with laughter and light. Their infectious energy and unwavering kindness touched the lives of everyone they met.

As we mourn their untimely departure, we also demand justice. The alleged actions of Constable Beau Lamarre-Condon have shattered our sense of security and trust. The betrayal of someone sworn to protect and serve is a wound that cuts deep. We stand united in our resolve to see justice served swiftly and unequivocally.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the family, friends, and loved ones of Luke and Jesse. May they find comfort in the cherished memories they hold dear and strength in the support of those around them. Let us wrap them in our collective embrace, offering whatever solace we can amidst the darkness. 

To Luke and Jesse, may your spirits find peace in the eternal embrace of love. Though you may no longer walk among us, your light will continue to shine brightly in the hearts of all who knew you. Rest in peace, dear souls, knowing that you are loved beyond measure.

As we mourn, let us also hold onto hope – hope for healing, hope for justice, and hope for a future where such senseless tragedies are but distant memories. Together, may we honor the memory of Luke Davies and Jesse Baird, ensuring that their legacy lives on in acts of kindness, compassion, and unwavering determination for a better world.

Rest easy, dear Luke and Jesse. You will forever be remembered, cherished, and deeply missed.

A Prayer for Justice and Healing:

Dear Divine Creator,

In this time of sorrow and heartache, we come before you with heavy hearts, seeking solace and strength. We lift up to you the souls of Luke Davies and Jesse Baird, whose lives were taken far too soon. May they find peace and rest in your loving embrace, and may their spirits shine eternally in the heavens above.

We pray for the surviving family, friends, and loved ones of Luke and Jesse. Comfort them in their grief, dear Father, and grant them the strength to endure the pain of their loss. Surround them with your unconditional love and support, providing them with the courage to face each new day with hope and resilience.

We also lift up to you the community that has been shaken by this tragedy. Heal the wounds that run deep and mend the brokenness that is heavy on our hearts. Grant us the wisdom to come together in unity and solidarity, offering compassion and understanding to one another in our time of need.

Lord, we cry out for justice to be served swiftly and unequivocally. May the truth be brought to light, and may those responsible for the heinous acts against Luke and Jesse be held accountable for their actions. Guide the hands of law enforcement as they work tirelessly to uncover the facts and bring closure to those who seek it.

We pray for a thorough review of domestic violence laws across the country and for an examination of police procedures concerning access to lethal weapons.

In the midst of darkness, we cling to the light of hope. May it shine brightly within us, illuminating the path toward healing, reconciliation, and peace. Help us to channel our grief and anger into positive action, advocating for justice, compassion, and love in our communities.

As we navigate this journey of grief and healing, may we find solace in knowing that you are with us every step of the way. Your love knows no bounds, and your grace is sufficient to carry us through even the darkest of nights.

We offer this prayer with humble hearts, trusting in your infinite wisdom and boundless mercy. May it serve as a beacon of hope in a world filled with uncertainty and pain.


Support is available for those who may be distressed: Phone Lifeline 13 11 14 Qlife 1800 184 527 Men's Referral Service 1300 776 491 Kids Helpline 1800 551 800 beyondblue 1300 224 636.

1800RESPECT is the national domestic, family and sexual violence counselling, information and support service. If you or someone you know is experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, domestic, family or sexual violence, call 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732. Chat online via their website, or text 0458 737 732.

To donate to Luke’s GoFundMe click here and to donate to Jesse’s GoFundMe click here.

In Loving Memory: A Tribute to Luke Davies and Jesse Baird In Loving Memory: A Tribute to Luke Davies and Jesse Baird Reviewed by GoodNews Media Team on February 26, 2024 Rating: 5

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