Exploring Spiritual Pathways: Contrasting Tarot, Oracle Cards, and Visio Divina

In the realm of esoteric studies, the Tarot cards hold a unique allure, steeped in centuries of speculation and mysticism. From Court de Gébelin's theories of Egyptian origins to modern interpretations by scholars like Waite and Case, the Tarot continues to captivate with its rich symbolism and enigmatic history (Hall, 1928).

This article explores diverse spiritual paths like Tarot, Oracle Cards, and Visio Divina, aiming to foster inclusive dialogue. I approach these practices with openness and respect, acknowledging diverse interpretations shaped by personal beliefs and cultures. My goal is to encourage thoughtful reflection within Christian communities without endorsing or critiquing specific practices.

Origins and Legends

The origin of Tarot cards is veiled in legend and conjecture. Some stories suggest that the Tarot can be traced back to the ancient libraries of Alexandria. After the library's destruction, it is said that a group of priests, who were descendants of Egyptian mystics, escaped with the most sacred texts. Among these texts was allegedly the Book of Thoth or Enoch, believed to be the precursor to the Tarot, according to Hall. These priests, often associated with the mysterious Gypsies, carried their esoteric knowledge across continents, influencing the development of Tarot symbolism in Europe (Hall, 1928).

Egyptian Mysteries and Symbolism
Court de Gébelin proposed that the word "Tarot" derived from Egyptian roots: "Tar" meaning "road" and "Ro" meaning "royal" suggesting the Tarot as a "royal road" to wisdom. This theory implies a direct connection between Tarot cards and the ancient Egyptian initiation rites and mystical teachings. However, scholars caution that such claims lack substantial evidence beyond speculative assertions by early occultists (Hall, 1928).

Esoteric Symbolism and Influence

Eliphas Levi and Arthur Edward Waite, among others, assigned profound mystical meanings to Tarot cards. Levi viewed the Tarot as a symbolic representation of universal principles and cosmic forces, while Waite sought to refine and reorder the cards to emphasise their allegorical connections to Christian mysticism and Qabbalistic traditions (Kabbala, esoteric Jewish mysticism). Both contributed significantly to the modern understanding and interpretation of Tarot symbolism.

Modern Interpretations and Controversies
Despite centuries of study and speculation, the true origins and intended purpose of Tarot cards remain elusive. Scholars continue to debate whether the Tarot's symbolism originated in ancient Egypt, evolved from medieval European playing cards, or emerged from a blend of various mystical traditions. The controversies surrounding its origins and interpretations add to its mystery.

Tarot in Contemporary Society
In modern times, Tarot cards have evolved beyond their historical roots. Today, they are used for various purposes including divination, spiritual exploration, and personal reflection. While traditionally associated with occult practices, Tarot has also found a place among individuals seeking psychological insight, creative inspiration, therapeutic guidance and entertainment. 

While some find guidance and self-discovery through these practices, criticisms exist. Concerns include potential addiction to external guidance and the possibility of misinterpretations leading to false hope or missed opportunities. Ultimately, the choice to engage with these tools is deeply personal. It's a journey shaped by individual beliefs and interpretations, reflecting a quest for meaning and connection with the transcendent.

Christian Perspectives and Interpretations
Many Christians historically view Tarot cards with skepticism due to their associations with divination and fortune-telling, practices often condemned in biblical texts.  For many Christians, divination in any form, remains controversial due to biblical prohibitions against practices such as interpreting omens or consulting spirits. The Book of Deuteronomy, for example, cautions against engaging in divination and witchcraft.  Such verses have historically influenced Christian attitudes toward such practices, emphasising caution and discernment when engaging with spiritual tools like tarot cards or wizards (Deuteronomy 18:10-12, Leviticus 19:31). 

In the New Testament, passages such as Acts 16:16-18 and Acts 19:18-20 illustrate the apostles' encounters with individuals involved in sorcery and divination. In Acts 16:16-18, Paul casts out a spirit from a slave girl in Philippi, disrupting her ability to make money through fortune-telling, which leads to conflict but demonstrates the power of God over spiritual forces. These incidents underscore a consistent theme: the Christian stance against practices that seek spiritual guidance through means other than God. Paul's teachings in Galatians 5:19-21 reinforce this, condemning sorcery as a work of the flesh contrary to the Spirit's fruit. Revelation 21:8 further emphasises the serious consequences for those who persist in such practices. These passages collectively emphasise the Christian call to reject sorcery and divination, instead embracing faith in God alone for spiritual guidance and direction.

References to Paul and his letters in the New Testament are not without controversy. He is often accused of contributing to the subjugation of women, the rejection of queer people, and the endorsement of slavery. Paul is seen as a conservative influence that directed the early church away from Jesus's radical message, adapting it to be more acceptable within Roman culture.  During Paul's time in the ancient Greco-Roman world, practices such as divination held immense cultural and religious prominence among pagan communities. These methods, which included consulting oracles, interpreting omens, and communicating with spirits, were integral to daily life and decision-making. Paul addressed his letters to early Christian communities familiar with these pagan rituals, urging them to abstain from seeking spiritual guidance through any means other than God. His teachings aimed to distinguish Christian faith, centred on the sovereignty of God revealed through Christ, from the prevalent pagan spiritual practices of that era. 

Today, while divination may carry different cultural and spiritual meanings, Paul's admonitions offer valuable insights into the challenges faced by early Christians navigating a world rich in diverse religious beliefs and pagan practices.

It is also important to note that in ancient times, the term "pagan" referred to individuals and communities outside of the dominant monotheistic religions, particularly in the context of the Roman Empire and surrounding cultures. Pagans were often practitioners of polytheistic faiths, worshiping a variety of gods and goddesses associated with natural forces, aspects of daily life, and celestial bodies. Their religious practices included rituals, sacrifices, and festivals aimed at appeasing and honouring their deities.

In more recent times, Pope Francis, in his August 1, 2018, general audience, warned against using tarot cards, labelling it as a contemporary form of idolatry. He emphasised the importance of trusting in God's guidance rather than seeking answers through occult practices like divination. His remarks reflect the Church's stance against activities that divert faith from God's wisdom and providence. However, there is a growing trend among some to embrace tarot as a means of fostering personal spiritual reflection. For instance, Gil Stafford, a retired Episcopal priest and spiritual director, incorporates tarot alongside tools like the Myers-Briggs in his practice. Similarly, Brittany Muller, in her book The Contemplative Tarot: A Christian Guide to the Cards, combines tarot with the Book of Common Prayer for visio divina, a contemplative practice. Additionally, writer and spiritual director Carl McColman offers an online course on Meditations on the Tarot (Anon et al., 2020), a revered text in Christian mysticism. Notably, in November 1988, a copy of this influential text can be seen in a photo of a stack of books on Pope John Paul II’s desk (Mesman, 2023). 

Use of Oracle Cards
Similar to Tarot cards, some Christians approach oracle cards as tools for spiritual reflection and personal insight rather than for divination purposes. The concept of oracle cards, distinct from traditional playing cards or Tarot cards, emerged relatively recently in comparison. While Tarot cards have a long history dating back to the 15th century or earlier in Europe, oracle cards began to gain popularity in the 20th century. Madame Lenormand, a French fortune-teller during the Napoleonic era, is often associated with creating some of the earliest forms of oracle cards. Her decks typically consisted of 36 cards featuring simple, straightforward symbols and images.

Today, oracle cards serve a variety of purposes, including intuitive guidance, personal reflection, and spiritual growth. They offer interpretations that are open-ended and can be used for daily affirmations, prompts for meditation, or single-card readings to gain immediate insight. Oracle decks often centre around specific themes or aspects of life, offering a personalized approach to self-discovery. They provide an alternative for those who may find other tools too complex or who prefer a less structured method of exploration.

Contrasting Visio Divina and Oracle Card Readings
Visio Divina, a practise founded in ancient Christian contemplative traditions, offers a method for spiritual exploration through visual art, emphasising deep engagement with images to seek spiritual insights and personal revelation through contemplation and prayer. This sacred practice involves studying artwork, discerning its meanings, and fostering a deeper connection with the divine through quiet reflection, aiming to illuminate spiritual truths in daily life. Visio Divina, which translates to "divine seeing" or "sacred seeing" emerged as a contemplative practice within Christian traditions, particularly within monastic and mystical circles.

Both Visio Divina and oracle card readings involve seeking spiritual insights and personal revelation through symbolic interpretation. Visio Divina centres on engaging with visual art to deepen one's connection with God through contemplation and prayer. In contrast, oracle card readings interpret symbols and messages from randomly selected cards.

Visio Divina promotes a contemplative stance, inviting individuals to explore the rich symbolism of art to uncover spiritual insights and personal meaning. It emphasises quiet reflection and prayerful response, fostering a deeper understanding of God's presence and guidance in everyday life. Similarly, oracle card readings are used for intuitive guidance. Practitioners draw cards with specific questions in mind, interpreting the symbols and messages they believe offer guidance or insights into future events or personal situations.

Bethel Church's Perspective on "Christian Tarot Cards"

Bethel Church, a prominent non-denominational congregation known for its focus on revival and spiritual outreach, has addressed the topic of "Christian tarot or angel cards" in recent years. While not formally affiliated with ministries using such cards, Bethel acknowledges their efforts in reaching individuals at New Age festivals with the Gospel message. 

Bethel Church emphasizes the importance of meeting people where they are with the truth and love of God. Recognizing that many individuals may not attend traditional church services but still seek a personal encounter with Jesus, Bethel supports the ministry leaders' efforts to share the Gospel in unconventional settings, such as New Age festivals. They value these efforts to minister to unbelievers in ways that resonate with them, acknowledging the challenges of approaching these groups and affirming the significance of reaching them with the message of Christ's love and redemption.

The ministry leaders aim to contextualize the Gospel, emphasizing that God seeks and loves all people, regardless of their beliefs or practices. Similar to the Apostle Paul's approach in Acts 17:22-34, where he engaged a diverse audience in Athens, including those worshiping unknown gods, these leaders use familiar cultural elements to bridge spiritual conversations. Their outreach is focused on introducing individuals to Jesus, especially those who may feel distant from Him or misunderstood by traditional church settings. All denominations, particular churches, and individual believers have different levels of comfort with a variety of practices—especially in the ways that we evangelize. 

Tristan's Experience and Perspective
My partner Tristan, is the innovator behind Cryptid Whispers Cryptozoology Oracle Cards, and brings a contemporary perspective to their application. His clientele ranges from those seeking entertainment to individuals exploring emotional support, counselling, or spiritual growth. Tristan, has studied counselling and abnormal psychology, and blends his professional knowledge with insights from various spiritual traditions, including his active participation in church and progressive interpretations within Christianity. His prophetic talents have garnered multiple nominations at the 2024 Carta Awards, demonstrating his gifts in the field.

Tristan's contribution to God's vineyard lies in his engagement with individuals across different stages of their spiritual journeys. Through his oracle cards, he offers a platform for personal reflection, emotional support, and spiritual exploration. His background enables him to integrate counselling expertise with spiritual insights, embracing Christianity in a progressive manner that respects diverse backgrounds, beliefs, faiths, sexualities, and genders without judgment. His work also highlights a different perspective: Oracle cards serve not merely as mystical instruments but as diverse pathways for individual development and deeper understanding.

Tarot and oracle cards serve as distinct pathways for spiritual exploration, each viewed through unique historical and cultural perspectives. Tarot, rooted in centuries-old symbolism and mysticism, offers a deep and rich tradition for those drawn to its enigmatic allure. Conversely, oracle cards present a more contemporary and adaptable approach to intuitive guidance, catering to diverse spiritual needs and interpretations. Whether individuals choose to engage with Tarot, oracle cards, or neither, the journey of self-discovery and spiritual enlightenment remains deeply personal. It is shaped by individual beliefs, practices, and interpretations, reflecting a quest for understanding and connection with the divine.

Some practitioners of oracle cards view these tools not only as instruments for personal insight but also as part of their mission to aid others on their spiritual journeys. For these individuals, using these spiritual tools is a calling to reach out and help others draw closer to the kingdom of God. By offering interpretations grounded in their faith, they seek to demonstrate God's love, compassion, and wisdom to those seeking guidance or spiritual insight. This approach aims to meet people where they are, using familiar cultural and spiritual elements to foster meaningful conversations and share the transformative message of God’s love and redemption. Reflecting on this, consider the story of the thief on the cross beside Jesus—no sacraments, no rituals, no religious achievements or accolades. His salvation came through a simple act of faith. His story reminds us that the core of Christianity is not in elaborate ceremonies or theological constructs, but in the transformative power of belief in Jesus Christ (John 3:16).

Reflecting on this article, I acknowledge that ignorance can hinder understanding, highlighting the importance of respecting diverse spiritual practices.  Despite our different paths, the universal human longing for connection with a higher purpose drives our spiritual quests. While Christians may engage in disagreements over scripture, we are united as siblings in Christ. We pray together, share meals, and extend Christian charity and unity to one another. Perhaps, ultimately, Christ will judge us based on our love for one another, more than whether our thinking was correct. 

Let us pray: Dear God, grant us wisdom to discern your will and guidance in our lives, and to use the gifts you have given us for your glory. Help us respect each other's beliefs and practices as we seek deeper spiritual understanding. May we find fulfilment and connection with you through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. Amen.

Editors Note: While this website does not have an official stance on specific spiritual tools, it prioritises pastoral care and encourages members to explore their spiritual needs through prayer, scripture, and counselling.

Anonymous et al. (2020) Meditations on the tarot: A journey into Christian Hermeticism. Brooklyn, NY: Angelico Press. 

Contemplative Prayer: The five steps of Visio Divina (no date) Precious Blood Renewal Center. Available at: https://www.pbrenewalcenter.org/blog/contemplative-prayer-the-five-steps-of-visio-divina/ (Accessed: 15 June 2024). 

Cryptid whispers cryptozoology oracle cards (2023) Animal Dreaming Publishing. Available at: https://animaldreamingpublishing.com/shop/cryptid-whispers-oracle/ (Accessed: 15 June 2024). 

Hall, M.P. (1928) The secret teachings of all ages. La Vergne: True Sign Publishing House. 

Mesman, J. (2023) The woman behind tarot’s strange beauty, The Christian Century. Available at: https://www.christiancentury.org/features/woman-behind-tarot-s-strange-beauty (Accessed: 15 June 2024). 

Muller, B. (2023) The Contemplative Tarot: A Christian Guide to the Cards. St. Martin’s Essentials. 

Exploring Spiritual Pathways: Contrasting Tarot, Oracle Cards, and Visio Divina Exploring Spiritual Pathways: Contrasting Tarot, Oracle Cards, and Visio Divina Reviewed by GoodNews Media Team on June 15, 2024 Rating: 5

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