Daily Devotional: Reaping The Harvest

Hey fabulous friends! Welcome back! Today, we're diving into the daily devotional, sharing a quick uplifting thought to brighten your day.  If you have a moment, read Psalm 126 in your preferred Bible translation, then return to this page.

If you're short on time, read the following and notice what resonates with you:

"Lord, change our circumstances for the better, like dry streams in the desert waste! Let those who plant with tears reap the harvest with joyful shouts. Let those who go out, crying and carrying their seed, come home with joyful shouts, carrying bales of grain!"

There have been times in my life when I felt as though everything was falling apart—moments of profound grief and distress, like the end of a relationship, leaving a church, or coming out and losing friends. During such times, it's easy to be consumed by the pain.

However, looking back with the benefit of time and healing, I see that something remarkable often grew from those experiences. I find solace in the Psalm’s words: “Let those who plant with tears reap the harvest with joyful shouts.”

These lines don’t glorify suffering or suggest that we should be thankful for our hardships or overlook the harm done to us. Instead, they remind us that pain can sometimes lead to growth. An ending can make way for a new beginning. Leaving a church might allow you to find health and healing elsewhere. Coming out might mean losing one community but discovering another where you can truly be yourself.

The Psalmist’s call for God to bring a harvest of joy can be a cry that resonates with you as well.

Reflection Questions:

Can you identify times in your life when grief eventually gave way to something beautiful?
Is there something in your life currently causing you pain?
How might you sit with and honour your grief?

Practical Exercises:

Take a tangible step to honour or remember a past period of grief in your life.
Do something in memory of someone who has passed away that would honour their legacy.
Spend some time in prayer today, asking God to help transform the circumstances where you feel unhappy. Then, take one concrete action to move forward with God's guidance.

That’s it for today’s devotional! If you found it uplifting, please like and subscribe for more inspiring content. Thanks for joining us—celebrate your uniqueness and stay positive until next time!


Source: Kearns, S., & Murphy, B. (2020). "Queers the Word" - (Adapted for reflection of A song of ascents.). Scripture: Psalm 126

Image Title: "Harvest of Hope" Source: Midjourney’s image generation model.

These daily devotionals are intended for personal inspiration and may be shared as needed, including via our RSS feed. Interpretations may vary, so we encourage thoughtful engagement with the content. Please attribute appropriately when sharing to maintain integrity. Please subscribe to receive updates via email.

Daily Devotional: Reaping The Harvest Daily Devotional: Reaping The Harvest Reviewed by GoodNews Media Team on July 30, 2024 Rating: 5

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