Daily Devotional: Exploring Faith - Testing Everything, Holding onto Good

Hi everyone! Glad to have you here again! Today, we're exploring the daily devotional, sharing a quick reflection to help you begin your day with positivity. If you can spare the time, delve into 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28 in your preferred Bible translation before continuing here. For those with limited time, focus on this passage and reflect on what resonates with you:

"Test everything; hold fast to what is good." - 
1 Thessalonians 5:21

Questioning authority can sometimes feel like a betrayal. Whether it's parents, teachers, governments, or pastors, we're often taught to honour and respect those in positions of authority, which can translate into blind obedience. While unity is valued in many communities, life itself is far from uniform. Doesn't our experience and even the Bible itself showcase remarkable diversity?

Imagine a world where no one questioned established beliefs about the Earth's place in the universe, human flight, or the spread of disease.

Imagine a world where "Caesar is Lord" was never challenged.

Doubt, questioning, complexity, and uncertainty are fundamental to both scientific inquiry and spiritual growth. This passage reminds us that questioning is not only natural but essential for a strong faith. For faith to deepen, there must be space for questions and doubt.

LGBTQ+ Christians have often been told that their lives, loves, and identities are sinful or flawed. Even well-meaning explanations like "it's a consequence of the fall" or "God loves you, but..." can stifle true self-understanding. Questioning what we've been taught about ourselves can be a profound act of honouring both God and our faith.

Reflection Questions:

How has conformity been encouraged in your family or communities?

Can you recall moments when going against the norm led to significant breakthroughs?

How does the idea of "questioning" resonate as an expression of faithfulness?

What are some long-held beliefs of yours? What questions might you explore about them?

Practical Exercises:

Seek out a community that actively discusses challenging questions about faith.

Share with a friend something you've been contemplating and ask for their perspective.

Make a list of your favorite activities, foods, media, and rituals. As you explore your beliefs, return to these comforting practices for grounding.

That concludes today's devotional! I hope this message has set a positive tone for your day. If it resonated with you, please consider liking this video and subscribing for more uplifting content. Thank you for joining me today, and remember to embrace your unique self! Take care and stay positive until we meet again!


Source: Kearns, S., & Murphy, B. (2020). "Queers the Word" - (Adapted for reflection on questioning authority and faithfulness). Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28.).
Image Title: "
Faith in Flux" Source: Midjourney’s image generation model.

These daily devotionals are intended for personal inspiration and may be shared as needed, including via our RSS feed. Interpretations may vary, so we encourage thoughtful engagement with the content. Please attribute appropriately when sharing to maintain integrity.
Daily Devotional: Exploring Faith - Testing Everything, Holding onto Good Daily Devotional:  Exploring Faith - Testing Everything, Holding onto Good Reviewed by GoodNews Media Team on July 13, 2024 Rating: 5

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