Feast of Saint James the Apostle

Today, on the Feast of Saint James the Apostle, we reflect on the life and legacy of one of Jesus Christ’s closest disciples. James, alongside his brother John, was called by Jesus while they were fishing with their father Zebedee. The Gospel accounts vividly capture their immediate response to leave everything behind and follow Jesus—a profound testament to their faith and courage.

In the New Testament, we encounter several Jameses, but today's commemoration focuses on James, the son of Zebedee. He was part of the inner circle of disciples, privileged to witness pivotal moments in Jesus’ ministry, such as the Transfiguration and the agony in Gethsemane. However, like many of Jesus’ followers, James initially struggled to fully grasp the depth of Jesus’ mission and the sacrificial nature of discipleship.

One poignant incident from the Gospels reveals James and John seeking special status in the Kingdom of God, prompting Jesus to teach them about humility and sacrificial service. This exchange highlights the disciples’ journey of learning and transformation under Jesus’ guidance.

James’ story takes a dramatic turn in the Acts of the Apostles, where he becomes one of the first martyrs among the apostles. His death at the hands of Herod Agrippa underscores the harsh realities faced by early Christians, who often endured persecution and martyrdom for their faith. Despite the challenges and dangers, James remained steadfast, demonstrating extraordinary courage and fidelity to Christ.

The story of James reminds us that following Jesus involves both moments of profound insight and moments of struggle and misunderstanding. It is a journey marked by faithfulness, sacrifice, and, for some, martyrdom. His example challenges us to examine our own commitment to Christ, encouraging us to forsake the allure of worldly distractions and respond wholeheartedly to God’s call, even when it leads us into difficulty.

As we honor Saint James today, let us also remember all those throughout history and in our world today who face persecution and hardship for their Christian faith. Their witness continues to inspire and challenge us to live authentically as disciples of Christ, willing to endure whatever may come in fidelity to the Gospel.


Merciful God,

We thank you for the faithful witness of Saint James,

Who responded courageously to your Son’s call,

Even unto death.

Grant us the grace to forsake worldly allurements

And to answer your call without delay.

Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.


On this Feast of Saint James, may his life inspire us to deepen our commitment to Christ and to live boldly as witnesses to the Gospel in our own time. 

You can listen to an alternate reflection here (source: gafcon.org): 

Photo Source: acelamirada.org
Feast of Saint James the Apostle Feast of Saint James the Apostle Reviewed by GoodNews Media Team on July 25, 2024 Rating: 5

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