Instructions on Living in a Broken World

In the midst of today’s tumultuous times, amid the constant barrage of divisive politics and distressing news, Archbishop Jeremy Greaves of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland offers some wisdom that speaks deeply to the soul. The words, encapsulated in "Instructions on Living in a Broken World," serve as a beacon of guidance amidst the storm of media and information overload, encouraging us not just to endure but to flourish in the midst of adversity.

I love this, as it speaks to the essence of community, reminding us of our shared humanity and the strength found in unity. Love, in its many forms, offers hope and healing amidst chaos, celebrating goodness as a radical act. Staying attentive amidst noise is crucial, fostering empathy through meaningful conversations and understanding. Art and music transcend division, inspiring creativity and reminding us of beauty despite challenges.

Self-care is essential, empowering resilience through breaks, nourishment, and prioritising mental well-being. Giving back creates positive change, while shared meals and support strengthen bonds in difficult times. Acknowledging pain allows healing, emphasising compassion and unity as powerful forces in adversity.

Together, we stand resilient, drawing strength from solidarity and fostering hope for a brighter future.

Source: Guide from: IG@Still We Rise
Image Title: "Embers of Unity" Source: Midjourney’s image generation model.

Instructions on Living in a Broken World Instructions on Living in a Broken World Reviewed by GoodNews Media Team on July 22, 2024 Rating: 5

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