A New Preacher in Town: Navigating a Changing Church Landscape with Jesus at the Core

In today’s Gospel, Jesus makes a startling claim: He is "the bread that came down from Heaven." Imagine a new preacher arriving in town and making such a provocative statement. It’s no wonder that local religious leaders were outraged—this radical assertion shook the very foundations of their beliefs, leading them to consider His death.

Today, we face a different challenge. Jesus’ words might seem so familiar that they lose their impact. For those of us who experience hostility or anxiety in church—especially queer individuals concerned about how we’ll be received—Jesus’ promise of sustenance can feel distant and disconnected from our reality.

Yet, I’ve been reflecting on whether, even amidst our frustrations with church, we can still find nourishment in Jesus’ promise. His description as "the bread that came down from Heaven" recalls the manna provided to the Israelites during their 40 years in the desert. This promise isn’t just about being fed in times of plenty but about being present in our moments of greatest need, when we feel most alone.

Criticisms of the Eucharistic host—its form, its infrequency, its taste—echo some of the skepticism faced by a new preacher. However, this form serves as a reminder of the manna and Jesus’ commitment to being present not only in times of ease but also in our periods of hardship.

As an LGBT+ person called to ministry, I envision a church where all are genuinely embraced and valued, rather than marginalised or misunderstood. Even as we work towards that ideal in the broader church, I find solace in a childlike perspective—finding beauty in the details of our worship, from the glow of a fresco to the flicker of candle flames or the engaging storytelling in the readings.

Recently, I’ve participated in various speed dating experiences across denominations here in Melbourne. Some communities have a clear sense of identity, while others are still searching for theirs. Some are caught up in what appear to be unnecessary crises, with different levels of emphasis on preaching Jesus, advocating for social justice, and radically deconstructing tradition, liturgy, and worship into something that is hard to define.

In the midst of this, I’ve clarified my calling: a ministry centred on Jesus, emphasising communion, adhering to a lectionary, and offering a genuinely welcoming and inclusive approach. It balances a respect for tradition with progressive sermons and contemporary insights. I envision a spiritual community confident in its identity, undistracted by external pressures, and dedicated to nourishing and healing its people. It is in this commitment to restoration that we find our true strength.

In the midst of our desert experiences, may we all find a spiritual meal awaiting us. Amen

Image Title: "Celestial Loaf" Source: Midjourney’s image generation model.
A New Preacher in Town: Navigating a Changing Church Landscape with Jesus at the Core A New Preacher in Town: Navigating a Changing Church Landscape with Jesus at the Core Reviewed by GoodNews Media Team on August 11, 2024 Rating: 5

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