Albanese Government’s Census Blunder: LGBTIQ+ Australians Left Out in the Cold

The Albanese Government’s decision to exclude LGBTIQ+ Australians from the 2026 Census is a major setback for inclusion and recognition. This move suggests that LGBTIQ+ Australians are not a priority for the current administration, which is deeply disappointing given the hopes for progress.

This decision stands in stark contrast to the promises made by the government, particularly following their recent failure to protect LGBTQ students and teachers in religious schools. The decision to omit LGBTIQ+ questions from the census further erodes trust and raises serious concerns about the government’s commitment to this community.

Nicky Bath, CEO of LGBTIQ+ Health Australia, has condemned the decision as a serious misstep that will perpetuate health and wellbeing disparities for LGBTIQ+ people. Bath argues that the exclusion of these questions will prevent the collection of crucial data about LGBTIQ+ families and individuals, undermining efforts to address existing inequalities.

Dr. Morgan Carpenter, CEO of Intersex Human Rights Australia, also criticized the move, noting that without meaningful inclusion in the census, there will be a lack of reliable data on intersex people. This could result in another decade of inadequate information, making it difficult to develop effective health programs and policies.

Alastair Lawrie, a public policy advocate and LGBTIQ+ activist, expressed frustration at the decision, especially given his involvement in the Expert Advisory Committee for the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Lawrie's work, along with that of many others dedicated to improving LGBTIQ+ representation in the census, seems to have been dismissed by this decision.

This omission not only disregards years of advocacy and effort but also risks significant negative impacts on the health and wellbeing of LGBTIQ+ Australians for years to come. The next opportunity to rectify this situation will not come until the 2032 Census, leaving a long gap where crucial data could be missing.

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Albanese Government’s Census Blunder: LGBTIQ+ Australians Left Out in the Cold Albanese Government’s Census Blunder: LGBTIQ+ Australians Left Out in the Cold Reviewed by GoodNews Media Team on August 26, 2024 Rating: 5

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