Daily Devotional: The Importance of Community

Hey fabulous friends! Welcome back! Today, we're diving into the daily devotional, sharing a quick uplifting thought to brighten your day. Take a moment to read Hebrews 10:22-25 in your preferred Bible translation, then return to this page.

"And let us consider each other carefully for the purpose of sparking love and good deeds. Don’t stop meeting together with other believers, which some people have gotten into the habit of doing. Instead, encourage each other, especially as you see the day drawing near."

The passage encourages us to thoughtfully consider how we can inspire one another towards love and good deeds. It stresses the importance of consistently gathering with fellow believers, rather than falling into the habit of neglecting these meetings. We are urged to support each other, especially as we approach the final days.

Maintaining connection can be challenging.

It’s often easier to avoid uncomfortable situations or to retreat when faced with tough truths. For instance, it may be simpler to dismiss a comment from a stranger than to confront a close friend about something that caused hurt.

Christianity has often been misunderstood as merely a personal journey of piety. However, Jesus taught his followers to pray for communal needs, like “our daily bread,” and to seek the fulfillment of God's will across the globe. He urged his disciples to be the salt of the earth and let their light shine brightly.

A personal approach to Christianity is understandable given the negative impact of a more aggressive and exclusionary version of the faith. This interpretation has historically been used to justify harmful actions, such as reducing social services for vulnerable groups, initiating endless conflicts, and undermining women's autonomy. It was even employed to rationalise the displacement and suffering of indigenous peoples in this country.

This history may explain why some prefer to confine religion to a private sphere, detached from public life. Yet, the Gospel is meant to be good news for everyone, including those who might not share our faith.

Our faith must be lived out in community.

Matthew 18:20 reminds us, “Where two or more are gathered in my name, there I am.” We are in this together.

The beauty of grace is that discomfort is not permanent. The apostle Paul transformed from a persecutor of early Christians into one of the most influential evangelists. Community holds us accountable and celebrates our growth and transformation.

Such transformation doesn't happen in isolation, whether on the couch with a streaming service or behind a screen. We must engage with others—people with diverse personalities, needs, and feelings. Interactions with others can lead to both joy and hurt.

As Hebrews encourages us, “Let’s draw near with a genuine heart, confident in our faith.” “Let’s hold fast to our hope without wavering.” “Let us consider each other carefully.”

Community is vital. It’s how LGBTQ+ people have managed to endure and flourish over time.

We are in this together.

We have a chance to make our faith a beacon of hope for those in need, but this requires collective effort. We cannot alone feed the hungry, clothe the naked, or free the imprisoned. The early church in Acts shared everything they had... and you can't share alone.

Seek out community.

Build community.

Value community.

Let community transform you.

Reflection Questions:
Who is part of your community?
How has your community supported or hurt you?
How have you contributed to or neglected your community?
Reflect on the different types of community—friends, shared identities, or local groups. Which do you feel most connected to? How can you engage with other communities?

Practical Exercises:
Reach out to a friend and express what they mean to you.
Be attentive to your friends’ needs and offer kindness without being asked.
Organise a dinner party or game night, either in person or online, for your friends or community.

That’s a wrap for today’s devotional! I hope this message brightened your day. If it resonated with you, please consider sharing it. Thanks for joining us, and remember to celebrate your uniqueness! Stay positive and see you next time!


Source: Kearns, S., & Murphy, B. (2020). "Queers the Word" - (Adapted for reflection of A Call to Persevere in Faith). Scripture: Hebrews 10:22-25

Image Title: "Interwoven Growth" Source: Midjourney’s image generation model.

These daily devotionals are intended for personal inspiration and may be shared as needed, including via our RSS feed. Interpretations may vary, so we encourage thoughtful engagement with the content. Please attribute appropriately when sharing to maintain integrity. Please subscribe to receive updates via email.

Daily Devotional: The Importance of Community Daily Devotional: The Importance of Community Reviewed by GoodNews Media Team on August 08, 2024 Rating: 5

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