Daily Devotional: Understanding Worship

Hey wonderful friends! Glad to have you back! Today, we're exploring our daily devotional and sharing a brief, uplifting thought to add a little sparkle to your day. If you have a moment, take a look at Amos 5 in your preferred Bible version before continuing. If you're pressed for time, just read the following passage and notice what stands out to you:

“I hate, I despise your religious festivals;
your assemblies are a stench to me.
Even though you bring me burnt offerings and grain offerings,
I will not accept them.
Though you bring choice fellowship offerings,
I will have no regard for them.
Away with the noise of your songs!
I will not listen to the music of your harps.
But let justice roll on like a river,
righteousness like a never-failing stream!

Music has an ancient and profound impact on us. It resonates deep within our being—whether it’s the background muzak in a store, the grandeur of a full orchestra, the energy of a rave DJ, or the harmony of a church choir. Music binds us, grounds us, uplifts us, and comforts us. It’s a powerful force in our lives.

Given its significance, it’s no surprise that music holds a central role in many churches. Its form may differ widely: from a grand organ and choir to a vibrant rock band with all the bells and whistles, or even a simple piano with a few enthusiastic singers. Each church has its own musical style, and it's easy to judge others for their choices.

However, Amos's message isn't about favouring one musical style over another. The real issue is whether our worship translates into action. It’s not about the style or volume of our music but about our commitment to justice.

Worship extends beyond Sunday mornings. It encompasses how we engage with our community daily. A large Christian music festival or a small church choir amounts to little if justice is not a priority. Worship involves:

Accessible facilities
Inclusive language
Participating in protest marches
Supporting food banks
Writing advocacy letters
Engaging in meaningful dialogues
Working towards prison reform

Music has been a part of worship for centuries, and it’s essential to let it inspire and transform us. Allow music to uplift and move you, then take that inspiration into action, striving for justice to flow like an unending stream.

Reflection Questions:
What does “justice” mean to you?
Who or what shapes your understanding of justice?
Where do you see a gap between the values expressed in your worship and the structure of your community? How can you work to bridge this gap?

Practical Exercises:
List priorities from scripture and find music that reflects those values, even if it’s outside the “Christian” genre.
Reflect on the lyrics of your favourite worship songs and identify ways to live out the values they express.

That concludes today’s devotional! I hope this message has brightened your day. If you found it meaningful, please consider sharing it to spread the positivity. Thank you for joining us today—remember to celebrate your uniqueness! Stay well and keep a positive mindset until we meet again.


Source: Kearns, S., & Murphy, B. (2020). "Queers the Word" - (Adapted for reflection of A Lament for Israel’s Sin & The Day of the Lord a Dark Day. Scripture: Amos 5

Image Title: "Echoes of Justice" Source: Midjourney’s image generation model.

These daily devotionals are intended for personal inspiration and may be shared as needed, including via our RSS feed. Interpretations may vary, so we encourage thoughtful engagement with the content. Please attribute appropriately when sharing to maintain integrity. Please subscribe to receive updates via email. Explore archived posts from our Daily Devotional here.

Daily Devotional: Understanding Worship Daily Devotional: Understanding Worship Reviewed by GoodNews Media Team on August 17, 2024 Rating: 5

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