Redefining Inclusivity: Moving Beyond Gatekeeping to Genuine Unity

In contemporary church conversations about inclusivity, the term often reflects more about the people defining it than about true inclusiveness. When we discuss being "inclusive," it’s important to see that this idea is often shaped by those in positions of power. This isn’t merely about making space; it’s about who decides which doors are open and the criteria for access.

When a dominant group sets the criteria for inclusion, they’re not just making space for others—they’re exercising a form of gatekeeping. It’s a subtle way of maintaining power by controlling who is allowed in, based on their own standards and preferences. This is less about fostering true inclusivity and more about reinforcing existing hierarchies.

Jesus’ teachings often emphasised breaking down social barriers and embracing inclusivity. For instance, in the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37), Jesus challenges traditional prejudices by highlighting a Samaritan—viewed as an outsider by Jews—as the true neighbour who showed compassion. This story illustrates that love and kindness should transcend social divisions, advocating for a universal sense of unity and acceptance.

Here’s a more hopeful perspective: at a fundamental level, we are all interconnected. There is no actual centre or gate; these are constructs created by those who benefit from maintaining a semblance of control. By acknowledging that we are all part of a greater whole, we can move beyond these artificial boundaries.

So, let’s shift our approach. Instead of focusing on who gets to decide who is included, let’s start from the understanding that we are already united. By embracing this mindset, we can foster genuine inclusivity that’s grounded in love and equality, rather than in the constructs of power and exclusion.

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Redefining Inclusivity: Moving Beyond Gatekeeping to Genuine Unity Redefining Inclusivity: Moving Beyond Gatekeeping to Genuine Unity Reviewed by GoodNews Media Team on August 09, 2024 Rating: 5

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