A New Chapter in My Journey to Ordained Ministry

Embarking on the journey to become an ordained minister has been intensely personal for me, especially as a queer individual in Australia, where the Anglican path is filled with challenges. Balancing my faith with my identity has brought both significant hurdles and unique opportunities.

Despite Australia’s progress on LGBTQ+ rights, many Anglican dioceses remain conservative. For me, this has often meant enduring a frustratingly long wait and facing substantial obstacles. Being told that my dream of ordination in the Anglican Church could drag on for 15 years in my home country has made it painfully clear: the system still hasn’t fully accepted my sexuality, turning this journey into a test of faith and patience.

In Matthew 10:14 and Luke 9:5, Jesus advises his followers to shake the dust off their feet when they encounter unwelcoming towns or individuals, signifying a clean break and leaving responsibility with those who reject the message. This teaching resonates deeply with me as I faced rejection from the Anglican Church in Australia due to my sexual orientation. Their refusal to consider me for ordination has pushed me to seek opportunities abroad, where I hope to find a more inclusive and affirming community. So, as I follow the ancient advice, I’m off to shake the metaphorical dust off my sandals and find a place where my identity and faith can flourish—hopefully with a bit less dust and a lot more acceptance!

So with that I have decided to try my luck in the US, where my calling might be more readily acknowledged. Countries like the US and the UK have made notable advances in inclusivity within their Episcopal and Church of England communities, offering a much more supportive environment.  I’ve explored and tested other denominations, but they simply don’t resonate with me. I am now determined to channel all my energy into forging a new future where my calling is truly recognised.

I feel a renewed calling to study at Berkeley Divinity School at Yale in Connecticut. As I embark on this path, I am confident that God makes no mistakes—His plans and timing are perfect, and every detail of our lives is woven into a grand design. I am now focusing all my energy on this new direction, committed to building a future that aligns with my true calling.

Ultimately, pursuing my calling, whether in Australia or abroad, requires a blend of perseverance and hope. I’m ready to chase my dreams with renewed determination, to serve others, and to embrace a future where my identity and purpose are fully realised. Even with obstacles ahead, I’m resolved to turn challenges into opportunities for growth and transformation. I trust that, as I continue to seek and serve, the right path will reveal itself, and my dreams will come true.

A New Chapter in My Journey to Ordained Ministry A New Chapter in My Journey to Ordained Ministry Reviewed by GoodNews Media Team on September 11, 2024 Rating: 5

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