Access Daily Morning and Evening Prayer

We're here to support you in your spiritual journey through prayer. Simply select the icon that corresponds to each liturgy from the Australian Prayer Book and Lectionary. You can also listen to the prayers provided by the Church of England below.  If you’re seeking additional resources, we offer alternative options such as the Australian Daily Prayer, The Daily Office based on the 2019 BCP, and our Daily Devotional

Listen to the most recent daily service of Morning and Evening prayer using the audio player below, streaming from the Church of England, includes includes Bible readings (NRSV translation), psalms, canticles and seasonal variations:

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Please note: The Church of England updates their audio player around midnight in London, UK, or 9:20am AEST for morning prayer, and updates for evening prayer are typically made around 12:00pm UK time (noon), or 9:20pm AEST.

Credits: Morning/Evening Prayer content from - Copyright © 1995, The Anglican Church of Australia Trust Corporation. From the text of A Prayer Book for Australia, published under the imprint of Broughton Books.  Common Worship Weekday Lectionary and The Psalter is copyright © The Archbishops' Council of the Church of England, 2000-2006. All of the official Common Worship publications are published by Church House Publishing.
Access Daily Morning and Evening Prayer Access Daily Morning and Evening Prayer Reviewed by GoodNews Media Team on June 30, 2024 Rating: 5