LGBTIQAP+ Resources

Welcome to our comprehensive resource page dedicated to supporting the LGBTIQAP+ community and allies. Here, you'll find a curated selection of resources and links designed to offer valuable information, support, and guidance. Our page is regularly updated to reflect the latest best practices and ensure your safety and well-being. If you have a resource or service that you believe should be featured, please reach out to us for consideration.

** Need Help with your Mental Health? **
Do you need a listening ear or some advice? There are loads of support services and resources available for queer folk and allies - here's a list - Important Internal Articles/Links:
Human Sexuality in Biblical perspectives
Conversion Therapy 
Gender Diversity
Same Gender Marriage
Welcoming LGBTIQ Elders
Gifts for Leadership
Coming Out, Coming Home
Safe Church for Rainbow Families
Language and Symbols

Watch the Rainbow Christ Prayer
Watch: God is Non-Binary | Boy Renaissance

** Need Help? **
Do you need a listening ear or some advice? There are loads of support services and resources available for queer folk and allies. Here's a list. And if you're based on the Gold Coast, we have a dedicated page just for you.

External Links:
Ambassadors & Bridge Builders International (ABBI)
Metropolitan Community Churches (MCC)
List of Christian denominations affirming LGBT people (Worldwide)
The Inclusive Bible (The First Egalitarian Translation)
The Inclusive Church (UK)
QSPIRIT.NET - Q Spirit advocates for queer spirituality by exploring saints, history, and literature for the LGBTQ+ community and allies.
LGBTQ+ in the Church (

Featured Books:
Don't Be Afraid Anymore Rev Troy Perry  
The Lord Is My Shepherd He Knows I'm Gay Rev Troy Perry
A Life of Unlearning Anthony Venn-Brown OAM
Savvy Ally: A Guide for Becoming a Skilled LGBTQ+ Advocate Jeannie Gainsburg
A Love Lost A Queer Journey of Grief by Rev Wanda Floyd.
The Ending of Mark's Gospel: The Key to Understanding the Gospels and Christianity by Dr Peter Lewis
Revitalizing Christianity: The Theology of Peter Lewis: A Collection of Short Articles edited by Shane St Reynolds

Some External Pastoral and Spiritual Resources

External Links to other helpful resources and LGBT+ Groups:
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Australian Human Rights Commission
eSafety Commissioner 
Rainbow Network - Inclusive Services For Young LGBTIQA+ Victorians.
Inclusive language guide prepared by Dr Gavi Ansara
MCC (Brisbane) Spiritual & Practical resources
Equal Voices
Qlife peer support
QUAC (QLD Council for LGBTI Health)
LGBTI Legal Service - (Queensland) LGBT+ Lobby Group
Intersex Human Rights Australia
Intersex Peer Support Australia
Pride In Sport Directory (Australia)
Refugees and Asylum Seekers Centre (Within Australia) (Refugees International)
Our Voices Our Lives Our Way (OVOLOW) (LGBTQIA+ people with disability)

Other Sites/Articles of Interest:

A Letter to Louise: A Biblical Affirmation of Homosexuality
The Evolution of LGBTQIA+ Narratives on Broadway

Faith & Sexuality, Clobber Texts and Gender by
Queer Spirituality 101

Body Image / Eating Disorders:
Resources for Individuals with an Eating Disorder (Insideout Institute)
Find Professionals Near You ( 

Free Tattoo Removal
INK-nitiative Program

LGBT+ Surrogacy:
Donor Programs for LGBTI+ People -

Addiction to Recovery:

Refugee and Immigration Legal Service:
If you are located outside Australia and seeking free legal advice on migration to Australia for refugees and asylum seekers, you may reach out to or - We strongly recommend

Gender Development:

Trauma Awareness:

Immediate danger or in crisis and need support

If anyone’s life is in immediate danger, call 000 or visit a hospital emergency department.

If you’re in crisis and need support, call Lifeline on 13 11 14. They’re open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

LGBTIQAP+ Resources LGBTIQAP+ Resources Reviewed by GoodNews Media Team on July 27, 2022 Rating: 5